
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mail call 7/6/05

TV Guide (free)
Sports Weekly (free)
Outdoor Photographer (very cheap)
Penny Power
Goya Best of the Americas Mexico recipe booklet
1.7oz sample of Head and Shoulders refresh shampoo

Hubby fixed the pipe last night for only $12.08 in parts. Yay! I thought we were going to have to call a plumber.

Today I'm busy cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...with my homemade cleaners. I started using homemade cleaners exactly one year ago and I am extremely satisfied with them. Last year I was pregnant with my daughter and started becoming concerned about her breathing in all the fumes from me just trying to keep my house clean. So I bought the book "Clean House, Clean Planet" by Karen Logan (my mini review). I picked a few cleaners that I wanted to try, bought the ingredients (and really, most of the recipes use the same few ingredients) and made them up. They are easy to make and use, make my house feel clean and I'm not concerned about my daughter being around when I use them. Not to mention us or our cats either. They are cheap too. After the initial investment of ingredients and bottles, I haven't had to replenish anything until the other week. The only thing I'm still experimenting with is something to clean my tub. I used to use softscrub (and still do, I admit), but I want to find something else that works as good. I'm working on it.

In the afternoon I had my weekly trip to Rite Aid to pick up the rebate items. I usually try to go earlier in the week, so I wasn't too hopeful that things would be in stock, but I got everything but one. My shopping list:
4pk of 3x3 post it notes $1.50 FAR
12pk of Crayola crayons $1 FAR
Gum Technique toothbrush $1.50 Free after rebate and $1 coupon
Gum Super toothbrush $1.50 Free after rebate and $1 coupon
NoAd baby sunscreen 4.99 after rebate
Total spent: 4.99 on the sunscreen


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